Black and Chrome Standard Stratocaster Black and Chrome Standard Stratocaster HSS Black and Chrome Standard Telecaster Deluxe FMT Stratocaster Deluxe QMT Stratocaster Double Fat Strat Double Fat Strat 7HT Fat Strat 7 Icehouse Stratocaster Miller Genuine Draft Stratocaster Obey Graphic Stratocaster Collage Obey Graphic Stratocaster Dissent Obey Graphic Telecaster Collage Obey Graphic Telecaster Propaganda Rolling Rock Stratocaster Satin Trans Fat Strat HH Satin Trans Fat Strat HSS Standard Strat FMT Standard Stratocaster SSS Standard Stratocaster HSS Standard Telecaster (2nd Version) Standard Telecaster (1st Version) Tom Delonge Stratocaster Standard Tele Special Standard Series "Squier starts here-Standard series guitars that present the classics, pure and simple. The home of elegantly elemental Stratocaster and Telecaster models with superb Squier sound, look, performance and value." Table of contents: Black and Chrome Standard Stratocaster Black and Chrome Standard Stratocaster HSS Black and Chrome Standard Telecaster Deluxe FMT Stratocaster Deluxe QMT Stratocaster Double Fat Strat Double Fat Strat 7HT Fat Strat 7 Icehouse Stratocaster Miller Genuine Draft Stratocaster Obey Graphic Stratocaster Collage Obey Graphic Stratocaster Dissent Obey Graphic Telecaster Collage Obey Graphic Telecaster Propaganda Rolling Rock Stratocaster Satin Trans Fat Strat HH Satin Trans Fat Strat HSS Standard Strat FMT Standard Stratocaster SSS Standard Stratocaster HSS Standard Telecaster (2nd Version) Standard Telecaster (1st Version) Tom Delonge Stratocaster Standard Tele Special